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Apart from bringing new users to a website, ads also aim at users taking specific action which the advertiser considers important.

A conversion is thus a specific action taken by a website visitor. The goal may be the completion of an order, registration of a new user, registration in a mailing list, downloading a demo version of software, displaying a price list, or another important action on the website.

Based on conversions, you can evaluate the efficiency of the ads and return on investment. The statistics show how many users completed a purchase, how many clicks were required to get a converting visitor, or the value of completed orders.

Measurement Principle

In order to allow the system to recognize that a user has reached the goal after clicking on an Sklik ad, the advertiser or their webmaster must enter a generated conversion code on the conversion page.

Visitors arriving through a Sklik advertisement are subsequently identified through a record stored in their computer – a cookie file with a validity of 30 days. Therefore, if a visitor reaches the conversion page within 30 days of first visiting the website through a Sklik advertisement, their conversion is counted on the day of measurement.

The cookie file is only used for the purpose of measuring the efficiency of advertising campaigns. The information is not used for any other purpose.

Conversion Page

This is a page that confirms the completion of a given activity, e.g. a page with a thank-you note for a purchase, registration, or sending a form. In the majority of measurable activities, this is a unique page which the user only visits on condition that they complete the purchase process, send a filled form, or meet any other condition.

Conversion Code

To generate the tracking code, open your account and go to Tools -> Conversion tracking -> Create conversion. Once you set the corresponding parameters, the system generates a unique fragment of the HTML code that must be included in the body of the conversion page. You can also use Google Tag Manager.

<!-- Měřicí kód -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
var conversionConf = {
  id: 10000000, /* Sklik conversion identifier*/
  value: 199.9, /* Order value in CZK*/
  consent: 1 /* Consent from the visitor to send a conversion hit, allowed values: 0 (no consent) or 1 (yes consent)*/
 // Make sure the method exists before calling it
  if (window.rc && window.rc.conversionHit) {

You can find the new conversion code in the conversion detail in the Sklik interface, where you can copy it and use it on your website.

Each conversion code is unique, so multiple conversion codes on the same page or successive pages ensure that different conversions are recorded independently of each other.