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Product advertising on Seznam via Sklik

You can also advertise on Zboží.cz, in the Zboží.cz ads in search, Sbazar and Images via product groups in your Sklik account. To do this, you need to have your Zboží.cz account linked to Sklik as well as the statistics.

Connecting or disconnecting Sklik with Zboží.cz can only be done by a user logged in to the account or by a user with the rights to Admin account.

What do you get with bidding on Zboží.cz via product groups?

  • The ability to set max. CPC in the familiar Sklik interface and the possibility to delegate advertising on Zboží.cz to your PPC specialist to manage all your campaigns.
  • Ability to use Sklik’s automatic rules for ad groups with product groups.
  • The ability to structure groups in more detail than through the Zboží.cz administration – e.g. using custom labels, a manufacturer or a combination of multiple parameters at the same time.

The new option of setting prices per click using Sklik is suitable for all advertisers who would like to use the full potential of Zboží.cz to maximize their orders and for whom it is not worth investing in tools used for setting max. CPC via feed.

What is the procedure for setting up a Zboží.cz campaign in Sklik?

  1. Connect your Sklik account and Zboží.cz via the Sklik interface if you don’t have one already (if you are using dynamic retargeting in your Sklik account, you already have a connection). You can find out how to do this in the help section.
  2. Connect the statistics of the selected Zboží.cz premises to your Sklik account via the Sklik interface. You will see the Zboží.cz campaign type in your Sklik account.
  3. Select an auction in the Zboží.cz administration, in the menu Auction settings for individual items, option via the Sklik advertising system.
    • You or your Sklik campaign administrator can verify that it is set up correctly in the Zboží.cz campaign in Sklik – when you click on the campaign, there is a MaxCPC: from Sklik at the top of the screen.
  4. Setting up ad groups and product groups in the Zboží.cz campaign in the Sklik interface. It is also possible to set up ad groups and product groups before switching to the PPC pricing settings in the Zboží administration (step 3) and thus prepare the campaign structure before launching it.

In order for a Zboží.cz campaign advertisement to be published, it is necessary to have a credit in the related Zboží.cz Account Wallet. The advertisement is not paid for from the Sklik account Wallet.

The roles for accessing your Sklik and Zboží.cz account remain separate. Setting up an auction on Zboží.cz via Sklik does not automatically grant access to users with access to the Zboží.cz administration and Sklik and vice versa.

Zboží.cz administration (currently only in Czech)
Zboží.cz campaign in Sklik
Sklik and Zboží.cz connection levelWhen is it recommended to set it up?How do I set it up?
1. Connecting the Sklik account and the Zboží.cz accountWhen you want to set up a dynamic banner or dynamic retargeting.      In Sklik, in the Tools menu, select Linking with Zboží.cz.
2. Connecting Zboží.cz statistics to the Sklik accountWhen you want to keep an eye on the performance of Zboží.cz in one place with Sklik campaigns. Regardless of where you set the Zboží.cz max. CPC.
Connecting is optional. However, it is required if you want to set max. CPC via Sklik product groups.
In Sklik, menu Tools, option Linking with Zboží.cz, button Manage premises, here select the required premise
3. Setting CPCs through SklikIf I want to set max. CPC via Sklik product groups for Zboží.cz and Zboží.cz ads in search.In the administration of Zboží.cz, in the menu Auction Settings for individual items, the option via the Sklik advertising system (“přes reklamní system Sklik”). Then it will start to apply max. CPC from the Zboží.cz campaign in Sklik. In order for this option to be active, it is necessary that the Zboží.cz statistics are connected to Sklik.

How to evaluate and optimise the Zboží.cz campaign?

The same way you work with other campaigns in Sklik:

  • Adjust the max. CPC according to the performance results.
  • Separate the most searched assortment or group of offers into more detailed ad groups or product groups and set their corresponding max CPC. CPC
  • Set automatic rules for ad groups
  • Adjust the % of bid amounts by device, by product ads placement (, Zboží.cz) or by auction type (product detail TOP, search and bids from cheapest)

You can find the data in this breakdown in the statistical reports in the Sklik interface with this setting:

  • Report type: Campaigns
  • Column selection: auction type on Zboží.cz or Product Listing Placement
  • The data in this breakdown is available for the period from 1.8.2023 at the earliest
Example of report set up with breakdown between Sklik and Zboží.cz

What is good to know?

Default ad group and product group

  • Contains statistics for all offers from the feed, unless they are included in a specific product group
  • Cannot be paused or deleted
  • Can be edited max. CPC, but always enters the auction with a minimum price according to the sale price of the bid

A user-created ad group and product group is always preferred over the default All Products ad groups

We do not support the use of a wildcard in a custom_label. This can cause a complete failure to publish a product group. We only support asterisks (wildcard) in the Category filter.

Minimum prices per click, max. CPC and multipliers

  • The minimum CPC in a Zboží.cz campaign is determined by the selling price of the offer according to the Zboží.cz price list. Therefore, the real CPC may be higher than the one you set. Should the CPC be lower than the minimum bid price after adjusting the bid multiplier in the campaign settings, the minimum bid price will also be used in the auction.
  • The set max. CPC for a product group takes priority over the set max. CPC of the ad group.
  • If the bid is in 2 groups, the group with the higher max. CPC has priority (even if it was taken from the superior ad group). The exception is the default All Products ad group, which always has a lower priority in the auction.
  • If you have multiple multipliers set, their settings are added together. Thus, e.g. desktop +10% and Zboží.cz +20% means that a bid enters the auction on desktop on Zboží.cz at 130% of its max. CPC.


  • The Zboží.cz campaign does not show data for the current day. The data for yesterday are added in the morning. The accuracy of data for the previous day can generally be verified via the stats.status API method.
  • The statistics at the Zboží.cz campaign level are loaded from the moment the site link is set up and are loaded completely independently of the ad group and product group statistics in this campaign. For this reason, the sum of ad group statistics may not match the summary statistics of the Zboží.cz campaign See below.
  • Only data for advertisements that are running at the time when bidding via Sklik product groups is set up on Zboží.cz are fed into ad groups and product groups in the Zboží.cz campaign. The performance of advertising that is driven by the cost per click from the feed or from the Zboží administration is only retrieved into the statistics at the Zboží.cz campaign level in Sklik.
  • Average position is calculated from product detail, search and category search. Particularly because of the search on Zboží.cz, where there are many results, it then causes you to see, for example, an average position of 100 or higher.
  • In a campaign like Zboží.cz, there are no search query summaries and you cannot use negative keywords.

Automatic campaign tagging

  • In case the Zboží.cz campaign has set CPC through Sklik, all settings of automatic tagging are applied and take priority over the parameters set directly in the target URLs of individual offers.
  • If the Zboží.cz campaign has CPCs set via the Zboží.cz administration or via the feed, the automatic tagging from the Sklik account to Zboží.cz is not applied.


  • To enter product groups with selected categories (CATEGORYTEXT tag), you can use the star convention (wildcard) – when you select the main category with the * character, all subcategories are automatically applied, including newly added ones.
  • There can be only 1 Zboží.cz campaign per Zboží.cz premises in a Sklik account.
  • The Zboží.cz campaign budget is set in the Zboží.cz administration and cannot be changed in the Sklik interface.
  • Advertising of the Zboží.cz campaign on the selected network cannot be switched off completely (e.g. by setting the bid adjustment to -100%), it is always issued at least at the list price per click.
  • The daily budget for a Zboží.cz campaign is only an informative calculation of the weekly or monthly financial limit of the premises on Zboží.cz. For this reason, the campaign is not monitored daily as in Sklik but follows the mechanisms of Zboží.cz. The value in Sklik has only an additional purpose.

Why is the administration of Zboží.cz still necessary?

  • detailed statistics at the level of individual offers
  • campaign budget settings (cannot be changed in Sklik)
  • campaign start and end settings (cannot be changed in Sklik)
  • setting the bidding type
  • frequency of feed downloads
  • setting the price of shipping and distribution points
  • conversion measurement settings
  • pairing tool
  • managing store ratings

Import to the Zboží.cz campaign

The Zboží.cz campaign cannot be created by import (it is created automatically after connecting), but it can be updated by import. For the import to be successful, all product groups in the imported campaign must have the corresponding shop ID.


If you want to use the structure (ad groups, produc groups, prices) of your campaign with Product Ads for advertising via Zboží.cz, do the following:

  • 1. Export the selected campaign with product ads.
  • 2. In the exported CSV, modify the campaign name to fully match the name of the Zboží.cz campaign you have in the Sklik account you will be importing into (i.e. typically Zboží.cz Premises Name).
  • 3. Next, in this CSV, edit the campaign type to
  • 4. Save the CSV and import it into your Sklik account.

Planned development

  •     Integration of advertising payment and integration of Zboží.cz administration into Sklik – planned.