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Providing information in the rtgURL parameter

Use the modified retargeting code if you want to specify which URL data should be sent.

Use of rtgUrl

Within retargeting, it is possible to target specific data that can be sent in a so-called query string. You can thus “spoof” a URL link that overwrites the URL where the retargeting code was displayed. You can thus create retargeting lists through events – e.g., downloading a file, scrolling a user to a certain part of the page, etc. – that you wouldn’t measure with regular retargeting code. You can then run the retargeting code on the desired event, e.g. via Google Tag Manager.

Codes can be run multiple times with different content for selected events without reloading the page.

Extension of the RTG code by rtgUrl

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
var retargetingConf = {
  rtgId: 123456, /* identificator retargeting */
 rtgUrl: "" /* URL with optional parameters */
// Make sure the method exists before you call it
if (window.rc && window.rc.retargetingHit) {
  • Fill in the bold line
  • Provide the exact address where the script is located and edit the data after “?”, at your choice

It is not possible to subvert a URL other than the currently visited URL via rtgUrl. In this case, the currently visited URL will be processed and the parameter will be ignored.