Brand campaigns

To evaluate the performance of the campaigns whose primary goal is not to sell, but to reach relevant target groups, use the following metrics.
Unique users – campaign reach
This metric indicates the so-called absolute reach, i.e. how many users were reached in total in the selected period.
The metric is available:
- Only for active campaigns in the Display Network.
- When selecting data for 1 day – provides the number of uniquely reached users for the given day.
- When selecting the period since the start of the campaign – provides the number of uniquely reached users for the entire campaign run.
- For the period since the 01/01/2020.
If only a part of the campaign period (e. g. 8-14 days) is selected, the value field will be crossed out.
The reach is calculated for a 90-day time window. If the user does not generate another impression in this period, he is once again considered a unique user.
New users
This metric indicates the number of new users, i.e. users who see the ad for the first time in the selected period.
The metric is available:
- Only for active campaigns in the Display Network.
- When selecting data for 1 day – provides the number of unique users who saw the ad for the first time on the specific day (they had not previously encountered the ad).
- When selecting the period since the start of the campaign – provides the overall number of unique users for the entire run of the campaign (the same value as the “Unique users” metric).
- When selecting a part of the campaign period (e. g. days 8-14) – shows the number of unique users who saw the ad for the first time in the selected period (i.e. did not encounter it in the first week of the campaign).
- For the period since the 01/01/2020.
The ad group was activated on 6/1/2020 and as of 6/8/2020, it shows a reach of 15,000 unique users since the start of the campaign. The “New users” metric shows the same value. However, when selecting the reporting period from 6/8/2020, the “New users” column shows a value of 1,200. This number tells us that 1,200 new users were reached during the selected period, and therefore the remaining 13,800 users were shown the ad between June 1 and June 5, 2020.
Impression frequency Ø
This metric shows the average number of impressions per user in the selected period. This is the proportion of ad impressions to the number of unique users.
The metric is available:
- Only for active campaigns in the Display Network.
- When selecting data for 1 day – provides the average frequency of ad impressions for a given day.
- When selecting the period since the start of the campaign – provides the average frequency of ad impressions for the entire campaign run.
- For the period since the 01/01/2020.
If you select only a part of the campaign period (e.g. days 3-7), the value field will be crossed out.
Win rate
This metric shows the percentage of times an ad group has won and been displayed in an auction relative to the total number of auctions it has participated in in Sklik. The Win rate can be used to optimize ad groups in terms of the percentual success of impressions so that the results best meet the advertiser’s goals.
The metric is available:
- Only for active campaigns in the Display Network
- The win rate column is displayed on the ad group overview page in the default settings.
- The data in the metric is available from 09/10/2020.
The ad group participated in 100,000 auctions, of which 5,487 were won. The win rate is 5.48%.
Practical example 1:
The advertiser sees in the Sklik interface that his retargeting ad group has a win rate of only 5%. At the same time, the ad group has a low COS, meaning it is very profitable, and the advertiser would like to increase its reach and earn more. Therefore, the advertiser increases the bid, and the next day, he sees that the win rate has gone up to 15%. The advertiser is happy because his campaign has a higher reach/benefit while keeping the cost reasonable.
Practical example 2:
The advertiser sees in the Sklik interface that the ad group has a high win rate of 50%. However, it has a limited daily budget which is quickly spent. The advertiser lowers the bid, and the next day, he sees that the win rate has dropped to 25%. This is fine because the budget is spent even with a lower win rate. The advertiser is happy as his average CPT has decreased and he has received more impressions overall.
Frequently asked questions
The metrics are not displayed in the interface by default. You can, however, activate them in the selection of the Optional columns.
The Unique users and Impression frequency are only available for active Display campaigns, for the entire campaign run (i. e. including the start date of the campaign, or the creation date), or when choosing a single day. Retrospective data is available from 01/01/2020.
The average impression frequency metric is calculated from daily completed data, therefore, the data for the current day is not available.
Yes, he can. The reach is calculated for a 90-day time window. If the user does not generate another impression in this period, he is once again considered a unique user.
Yes, it is possible through the statistic reports. When generating the report, just select the “By days” option.
The number of unique users cannot be added up or compared at different levels. For each of them (campaign, ad group, ad), the reach is calculated separately.
A campaign, consisting of 3 ad groups, reached 15 impressions and 3 unique users with an average impression frequency of 5. At the ad group level, the users can encounter the campaign in many ways. One user can encounter all 3 ad groups, another user can only encounter 1. For each ad group, however, each user is considered unique. The same principle applies to the ad level.
The Win rate metric has been designed to optimize the success of the ads in the auction at the ad group level. Since the campaign may contain multiple ad groups with various goals, it does not make sense to average the Win rate at the campaign level.
Yes, thanks to the “New users” metric, which is available for any time period from 1/1/2020, it is possible to report the unique reach of newly reached users even for an arbitrarily chosen time period during the campaign.
The average Impression frequency shows a higher value than what is set for the campaign or ad group.
This is theoretically possible if a long time period is reported. Users can limit the display frequency to a day, i.e. a week. If the lower limit is then selected (for example, 2 views per day), the overall average frequency may exceed this value within a few weeks.