Targeting on Topic

Targeting on Topic

Our partner websites in the Sklik Display network are divided into topics so you can choose what topics the individual URLs where you want the ads to be displayed should have.

Targeting on Topics in Adgroup Detail

Adgroup Topics

If you wish to target ads in the Sklik display network on websites as per their topics, select the “Topics” tab in the adgroup. Clicking the “Add topic” button chooses those topics that are interesting for you, the advertiser. Multiple topics can be selected at once.

Example: If you offer the sale of tires and car parts, choose the “Auto-Moto” category.

Exclusion of Undesired Topics

Identically to adding topic categories in your advertisement, you can also exclude some of them. Should you decide, for any reason whatsoever, not to display advertisement on sites with specific content, open the “Topics” tab in the adgroup and then follow by clicking the “Excluded topics” link. Now choose topics which you want to restrict from your advertisement using other targeting methods.

Example: If you want to sell wine, choose the “Children and Parenting” category in the excluded topics.

Statistics of Adgroups displayed on a given Topic

If your advertisement was displayed on the grounds of topic targeting, you might wish to know what websites it was displayed on. Click the topics name in the overview to see the websites where the advertisement was displayed as well as statistics related to the website in question. Clicking the website name shows the statistics of individual URL.

This method can easily show you the websites where your advertisement performed best; if necessary, you might want to replace targeting topic with targeting placement.

Combining Topics with Other Targeting Types

If an adgroup targets concurrently on topics and keywords, advertisement will be displayed using both types of targeting as long as one of the conditions is met. The group of users impacted by this targeting type will be very wide.

Example: If you target the “Auto-Moto” topic and at the same time the adgroup has “Škoda” as an active keyword, advertisement will be delivered to users navigating on websites that contain keyword “Škoda” and at the same time to anyone navigating on websites under the “Auto-Moto” topic.

On the contrary, targeting placement or retargeting works as a limiting condition.

Example: If you target the “Auto-Moto” topic and at the same time the adgroup has a retargeting list, advertisement will be delivered only to users from that list who are navigating on websites under the “Auto-Moto” topic.

We recommend that a combination of various targeting types be used after thorough consideration, that individual targeting types not be used in combination and that campaigns and adgroups be prepared specifically for the display network and for the search network.