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Dynamic retargeting (DRTG) of Seznam visitors

This type of targeting offers advertisers a wider reach of relevant audiences and it is suitable for performance oriented acquisition campaigns.

How does this type of targeting work?

Targeting is based on data from Zboží.cz and search on and offers new relevant audiences that meet the conditions of searching for a specific product on Seznam search or displaying the detail of your product on Zboží.cz.

The offers from your XML feed need to be paired to Zboží.cz categories. Then, the system will include the user in a DRTG list and display the ads within the Sklik display network.

How to run this type of targeting?

If the advertiser has active linking between Sklik’s account and Zboží.cz with an active XML feed, the new DRTG list is automatically available among lists on the Retargeting page in the interface with the name: “DRTG – Visitors of Seznam websites”

It is then possible to work with the DRTG audience in the exactly the same way as with standard DRTG campaigns.

Frequently asked questions

  • Why cannot I see any audiences in my DRTG list?

First of all, the DRTG list must be assigned to an active ad group in order to gather audiences. Another reason may be that your offers on Zboží.cz are not paired with products – you can check this in the Zboží.cz interface.

The DRTG of Seznam visitors cannot be used for companies that do not advertise on Zboží.cz.

  • How to set up the length of the retargeting list?

The maximum length of the DRTG list is limited to 5 days. The default length value is set to 2 days. You can test and optimize the length setting based on your campaigns‘ results.

  • Is this feature also available for non e-shops?

We do not currently support this feature for other clients than e-shops with feeds of products.